- 11/13/2018
Opening registration/renewal term indicative list of travel agents of the ec to receipt of groups of chinese (november 2018)
The Secretary of State for Tourism of Spain opens the registration/renewal period for the indicative list of travel agencies of the European Community for the reception of Chinese tourist groups.
All travel agencies established in Spain that are interested in appearing on the indicative list of travel agencies of the European Union for the reception of groups of Chinese tourists, must notify the Secretary of State for Tourism, through :
General Subdirectorate of Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness
C/ Poeta Joan Maragall, 41 (28020 – Madrid)
Phone 91.732.64.71
Email: sgcooperacionturistica@minetad.es
Registration period: November 8 to 30, 2018.
All applications, once reviewed, will be sent to the competent department of the corresponding Autonomous Community, so that the data provided can be verified.