The ministry of industry and tourism has undertaken to make accessible its website in accordance with the Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 september on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector.
The present statement of accessibility applies to the website
This website is partially in accordance with the royal decree 1112/2018 due to lack of conformity of the following areas.
The content presented below is not accessible by the following:
There might be some specific decisions in any web page.
Not applicable.
There may be office files in PDF and other formats issued before 20 september 2018 that do not fully implemented all the requirements of accessibility. Although we have tried to ensure that the majority of them it comply with it.
Contents of third parties that are not funded or developed by us or are under our control.
The present statement was prepared the 6 september 2023.
The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the agency itself.
Recent review of the declaration: 6 september 2023.
You can file communications concerning accessibility requirements as:
using the following contact form.or by calling + 34 913 494 640.
Similarly, you can submit:
Requests for information should be specific, accessible out clearly the facts and reasons request to the fact that this is a reasonable and legitimate request.
You can make the communication by electronic submission with certificateor complete the form of complaints or requests for accessibility [PDF] [1.35 MB] , print it and present it in any of the places specified in article 16 (4) of law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities.
Communications, complaints and requests for information accessible will be received and handled by the Sub-directorate General of the General inspectorate of services and citizens.
If after a request for information accessible or complaint It would have been not dismissed, it was of agreement with the decision or response would not meet the requirements under article 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a claim. It also may initiate a claim in the case of since the within 20 working days without having obtained response.
The claim can be made through one of the options provided in the act 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities
The claims must be sent to the Sub-Department of information and communications of the ministry of industry and tourism as a unit responsible for Accessibility of this Ministry, or, if the claim is for a performance of that unit, the superior.
The websites of the public administrations are responsible for complying with the accessibility guidelines set forth in the standard UNE-EN 301549:2022. This regulation sets out a series of characteristics that all Web portal must fulfil if you want to be accessible considering the exceptions of RD 1112/2018.
The ministry of industry and tourism is that its web site is not all accessible and usable as possible. Therefore, is designed to adapt to the standards and regulations in force in relation to accessibility, which complies with all the points of verification of priority 2 (AA) defined in the specification of Content accessibility guidelines on the Web (WCAG 2.1) for the Web accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web consortium (W3C), which reviews take place prior to each publication of new content. In any case, you might find a site that is not adapted 100% of these standards, as some of the sections contained in the portal are in the process of adaptation and improvement. If you experience any problems with regard to access the information contained on this website, please contact us using the following contact form.. We Will Have the necessary improvements as soon as possible.
We must bear in mind that for dealing with electronic signature, the browser must use javascript and components clients of electronic signature requirements.
The website is designed with adaptive or responsive design, which is displayed optimal use of desktop computers and mobile to tablets.
By pressing a combination of keys determines can quickly access certain pages or contents of the page.
Depending on the browser you are using the key combination will be different:
Tthe font sizes are defined using relative units so that can increase or reduce the size of the source from your browser's settings.
To change the size of the page:
Final review of the website: 06/09/2023.
The accessibility of this web site is reviewed prior to publication.
Thanks for your comments.