- 10/1/2013
Support for the hospitality sector
The Energy Rehabilitation Program for Buildings in the Residential Sector (housing and hotel use) and the Plan to Promote the Environment in the Hotel Sector, PIMA SOL, have been launched.
The objectives of the Energy Rehabilitation Program for Buildings in the Residential Sector are: to promote the implementation of energy saving and efficiency measures on the envelope, thermal and lighting installations of existing buildings for residential use (hotel and housing use), and the incorporation of renewable energies (biomass and geothermal, mainly).
In turn, the Plan to Promote the Environment in the Hotel Sector complements the previous Program by aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from diffuse sectors; promote an initiative that helps in energy and environmental improvement in the hotel sector, which also contributes to making it more competitive and of higher quality; regulate the acquisition of carbon credits for CO2 emissions reduced through investments for the energy rehabilitation of its facilities; facilitate the financing of investments in energy rehabilitation of hotel facilities by the European Investment Bank and Spanish financial institutions; and create employment and economic activity by stimulating energy rehabilitation actions for hotel facilities.