• 6/13/2019

The state secretariat for tourism and Tourism of Galicia Agency sealed an agreement in the area of quality

This convention does not imply transfer of funds by any of the parties, as well as budgetary appropriation

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, and the president of the Galician Tourism Agency, Román Rodríguez González, have signed an agreement on Quality and Tourist Products at the Santiago de Compostela Pilgrimage Museum , Innovation, Accessibility and Tourism Sustainability.

Both administrations thus commit to actively collaborate in the promotion, dissemination and support for the implementation of quality systems, tourism innovation, those related to the creation of products, accessibility, sustainability and intelligence of destinations in Galicia.

This agreement does not imply transfer of funds by any of the parties, nor does it imply budget allocation. The execution of the projects will be the responsibility of each signatory administration according to its corresponding budget application.

The tourism quality policy has become a fundamental factor of differentiation and competitiveness of companies and the entire tourism sector, always operating on the basis of consensus and self-regulation of a system that seeks to consolidate the leadership of our tourism industry.